July 2021

After a long year and a half looks like COVID may be close to its end. We have stuck very close with the mask in the shop rule, for good reason. Some folks for whatever reason have avoided the vaccine which will likely prolong control of our current problems. We will continue to be open by appointment and will be asking folks if they have had their vaccine. If not, time in the shop will be limited and masks will be required. The sooner COVID is behind us, the sooner we can return to normal. Lets all work together to get this behind us. Hunting draw results are out next week. Good luck to all who applied.

Arne Johansson
Spring 2020

Spring is here after what seemed like a very long winter. Add a few months of tremendous uncertainty with Covid-19 and our world looks quite different. A cancelled bear hunt in Kamchatka highlighted my April, with a lot of laying low and working on mounts for myself I have been putting off for a long time. Kamchatka can wait until next year.

Spring bear season is now under way. We look forward to looking after your spring bears, we have already had a number of calls. Remember to keep them out of the heat and get the hides off quickly.

We will be cancelling our land phone line mid June, so will only have my cell number ( 780-517-3341 ) after that for contacting us.

Good luck with the bears, stay healthy and stay safe.

We practise social distancing in the shop, we can accomodate any wishes for pick up and delivery. Please understand the need to keep our business interactions limited during these trying times. Things will get better.


Arne Johansson
Open House 2020

Please join us on January 25, 2020 from 11:00 am till 4:00 pm for our annual open house.

We will again be joined by the Sun Africa Folks and they will be discussing their 2019 season and whats new for 2020.

Come by for a coffee and a visit, bring a friend.

Arne Johansson
Fall 2019 News

Hunting season is over for another year. Thanks to everyone who brought their trophies to us this year.

I will be heading to Kamchatka in April 2020 for a bear hunt, there is still room for a couple folks to join me if you have every thought of challenging one of these giants. I have all the information, it will be a very interesting adventure.

We have a good selection of items for sale, Karen has just finished making up a bunch of black bear pillows from the extra hide parts we have gathered over the years. They are just beautiful and it makes good use of the extra hide parts we have, no sense in wasting them.

Arne Johansson
Spring 2019

A successful trip for our group to South Africa our thanks to Pierre Moolman at Sun Africa Safaris.

Spring bear season is winding up thanks for allowing us to mount some really fine animals taken this spring.

Arne Johansson
Fall 2018 hunting season

Good luck to all in the fall 2018 hunting season. Hope to see some of the results in the shop. We've heard that deer populations are a little bit better this year, hoping to see them recover more in the future. Stop by if you get a chance and see the success of others.


Arne Johansson